Sunday May 01, 2005
The Body Never Lies
Dear Friends,
My recent book “The Body Never Lies – The lingering effects of cruel parenting” published by Norton, New York, is already available in the book-stores. It receives very interesting reactions that show a deep understanding. Some readers wrote to me how relieved they were that they no longer had to feign feelings they did not really have or to deny feelings that kept on reasserting themselves. On the other hand, the “Guardian” published a feature on my work, which is based
on the assumption that in my opinion ALL parents are cruel. This shows an essential misunderstanding of my whole work because I never made such a misleading and wrong statement. I hope that the book will find many readers who are willing and thus able to understand what I actually have written and to appreciate its political consequences.
I wish you your own discoveries while reading “The Body Never Lies”.
Alice Miller.
- To feel long repressed feelings
- A quote from Hugo Rupp
- Introductione in Italiano
- New book
- Editorial
- The Body Never Lies
- Editorial
- Introduction to the website