
Thursday April 13, 2006

…and your health. by Lydia Temoshok,Ph.D ., and Henry Dreher. Advocated on the cover, by Dr. Dean Ornish as: “Ground-Breaking… offers hope for those with cancer or those who wish to help prevent it.” –Dean Ornish,M.D. President and director, Prevention Medicine Institute, and author of The Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease.

With the prevalence of cancer and heart problems today this gets people’s attention. I then show them my copy of Alice Miller’s For Your Own Good and explain that Alice Miller shows how we become Type C. as
well as violent etc. and advise how they can read ‘For Your Own Good’ on line now.

Type C Connection is out of print but available used, some in new condition, from dealers, through Amazon.Com. Found out about this book from one of your books. The shipping is more than the cost of the book, even the best condition ones. To think that this 1993 book is out of print now is a sad state of affairs. It is not available in our library here.

I carry copies of this announcement (below) with me, along with my copy of the book. It is a great tool to attempt to interest people who have computers, in why we have violence. Since finding out about your books
in 1995, I say that I could not do anyone a better favor than to introduce them to your books, as you write from experience not just theory.
You can now read FOR YOUR OWN GOOD: Hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the roots of violence by Alice Miller in its entirety on our Web site. This is the 2002 edition with a new preface by Dr. Miller.
Educators, please alert your students and colleagues to our offer of this most important work which they can access, free of charge, in a convenient and easy-to-read format at www.nospank.net/fyog.htm

Jordan Riak, Exec. Dir., Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education (PTAVE), P.O. Box 1033, Alamo, CA 94507-7033. Web site: “Project NoSpank” at www.nospank.net Telephone: (925) 831-1661

I always include my name and address incl. email address in giving out this announcement, hoping that some day someone will write me expressing their gratitude for the introduction. (I have given away 10 copies of
For Your Own Good with no response.)

Evan Grant, evanraygrant@webtv.net
Kingsville, Ont. Canada’s most southerly town.

ps- As always, you can post anything I send that you deem to be of general interest along with addresses.

AM: I understand and share your disappointment about the lack of interest for the role of our childhood in our lives but I can’t do more than I do: understand the reasons of this deplorable indifference. I wrote about this issue in all my articles, especially in the last one.