The silent adults
Thursday December 18, 2008
Dear Dr. Miller,Thanks for your positive comments on my articles published on your website. I just wanted to add that there was one person in my entering class of medical school who dared to speak out about the pedagogy, he even “talked back” to one of the professors who was famous for verbal abuse of students. However, since he violated the “fourth commandment” to honor the parents/professors, and to take the abuse in silence, he was kicked out before the end of the first year. At the time I thought that his behavior was unnecessary and inappropriate. However since I have read your books I realize that what is “normal” and accepted is not necessarily right, and that he was really the only person who reacted appropriately to the situation. This is what I meant, though, that all physicians are abused, because the other 130 people in the class sat quietly in judgment on him.Bodhi Kanzeon
AM: Thanks you for your letter, I am so glad for you that you dare to SEE what your colleagues don’t. It is not easy to feel alone with one’s observations but once you see and understand WHY they stay silent, that they have been made silent by “discipline” and the upbringing to become obedient you would not want to become like them, I think.