MANIFESTO re Islamism the new Totalitarianism

MANIFESTO re Islamism the new Totalitarianism
Friday March 03, 2006

You may have anticipated this. Thanks to people like Salmon Rushdie etc.
There is hope now. The moderate Islamists will have to speak out now as
they had just began to, if they want any respect from the world at all.
Starting with Ashley Montegu and his article 1941 during the worst of WW
II, ‘Baby Spanking Possible Seeds of War.” confirmed by your book-(1980
in German) For Your Own Good-Hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the
roots of violence, and your continued writing and speaking- and
Frederick Leboyer-Birth Without Violence-(Fr.1974, Eng.1975) which I
learned about from your writing, and others following the same theme,
“The First Three Years, the formative years all resulting in 17
countries in Europe with laws protecting children against assault. has
laid the groundwork to demand that Islamic countries have the same Human
Rights for women and children before being accepted into the European
The cartoons have shown them up for what they are. And of course before
the cartoons etc, the book Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie and another
woman writer who was in exile from her country for some time.(Bangladesh).
I feel much more encouraged for change than I was yesterday morning. The
Islamists who are infiltrated in other countries Canada and the USA in
particular with all that oil money rich homelands will have to be
lobbying there own homelands to stop the insurgencies.
The old saying “The pen in mightier than the sword.” has proven itself
again. Bush etc. was getting in deeper and deeper by trying to shoot
their way out. It should smarten up the USA regarding children’s rights
in their own country, clean up the ‘evil’ in that regard in his(Bush) own country.
I sent copies of the article from the Toronto Star, to you from my
computer as I was very enthusiastic about this turn of events. Thanks to
Danish publishers cartoonists who were not going to pussyfoot around
people who are very wrong.(and other publishers copying same) I believe
that you estimated a million Islamic women who have been mutilated. The
spotlight is now focused where it should be, and will also be a
challenge for our own countries to shape up.

Sincerely yours

Evan Grant
Kingsville, Ont. Canada

AM: Yes, Evan, I share your joy when I read the manifesto, eventually some voices that are different from the ones of the big masses. But still so few. And in America of today I couldn’t say that the pen is stronger than the weapons.