RE: my “friends” children
Sunday July 20, 2008
Thank you for your response. I had thought I was finished hoping for change in my mother. But your point is so right on…if I have a compulsion in the now, it still relates to my parents. I see myself pandering to my mother’s wishes in the most infuriating ways. I have been afraid to attempt a career as a musician because I know it would take me away from her vicinity. I feel so much guilt for her suffering. ” How behind everything she is saying “Why won’t you let me get close? But I love you so desperately, you can’t leave.” Since I read your first book, I knew that my sysifian task was to stay and make her understand. I’ve been wasting my talent trying to comfort her and make her see…………and it has come out in every single one of my friendships. I have felt so trapped.
AM: YOU have been NEVER guilty for HER suffering. AGAIN: Enjoy your talent and your life!