I respect my feelings more than my parents emotional needs

I respect my feelings more than my parents emotional needs
Sunday February 19, 2006

Hi, I am writing to you because I have just finished reading “the body never lies” and as all of your books, I have really enjoyed it.

I actually live and have been educated in a very catholic country, Spain, and the 4rth commandment has been part of my blood for a good many years…until I discovered I had been sexuallly abused as a child….and everything that I read in one of your books has actually happened, literally, to me.

I have learned to respect my feelings more than my parents emotional needs and life is much better for me and my three kids. I have published a book of poetry called “Words stolen to the sea” (it has not been translated yet) and I feel grateful life has given me the chance of being myself and not an extension of my parents and family needs….

I want to thank you for your courage and determination to write about child abuse and how it is being perpetuated even with some pychologists and psychiatrists practices, and the society in general….it stinks. Reading “the drama of the gifted…” was hard and revealing for me….realizing how I was then emotionally immature (I suppose I still am) has been very good for my kids, I think….

I have always loved “others” more than myself, and slowly but surely self-esteem is building up….your last book has been a great pleasure to read….

thank you


AM: Congratulations!