Your book helps me a lot
Sunday February 18, 2007
Dear Alice,
Iam writing here, from Rio de Janeiro, and my english is really basic…
but even this, I need to thank you for this beautiful and strong work , that you have done – studying, hearing and writing books, like the one I finish now.
“The Drama of the Gifted Child” have inside, all the things I always felt, but just didnt know how to put in words.
Now I can understand a little more about the dimension of all this stuff , that lifes inside me…
I began a Junguian Therapy a six months ago ( I have 42 years old), and sometimes its really dificult to dive inside my unknow feelings…
But I believe this is the Real Path – and Iam trying to sustain my steps into this.
My therapist borrow me this book, and I read it in this weekend (with water in my eyes for emotion).
I hope that you can continue your search , for a healthly chilhood.for everyone.
with all my respect and LOVE, K.
The books by Alice Miller are available also in Portuguese.