
Sunday August 19, 2007

Dear Dr. Miller,

I have appreciated your book, The Drama of the Gifted Child, and would very much like to find a therapist who has experience addressing these issues as you have. When I first read the book, about 10 years ago, I was seeing a therapist at the time and gave him a copy. He had never heard of it and I later realized that his lack of knowledge about the basic things in your book was why he was not very helpful to me and my bottom line issues.

I have done fairly well on my own, but I still struggle in my relationships, and within myself, with what I see as residue from my early childhood and my parents’ inability to meet my needs. I can see it but I have such trouble, sometimes, fighting it.

I would very much appreciate a recommendation for a therapist in New York City who you think could help me.

Many thanks for sharing your work and insight.
With best wishes, L. N.

Maybe our FAQ list can help you in finding the right therapist.