Surrealism The Aftermath Of Minds Of “Abused Children”?
Thursday April 12, 2007
Hello my name is M. and I am a college student at O.C.C in Syracuse New York. I am doing a paper on surrealism. And me and my teacher were discussing how Mind of abused children may sometimes become surrealist because the act of surrealism can known as way to express their inner feelings through art. Abstract arts, and spontaneous paintings, and writing as well to be more specific. Would you agree?! please write me back with your response to what i am speaking about It would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
Sincerely M. L.
AM: You can see it this way. Society prefers to admire an artist who presents apparently a “nonsense” of his “distorted mind” than to face the suffering of a normal child who was submitted to incredible perversions of his/ her parents (read the biographies of surrealistic painters).