Thank you
Tuesday June 19, 2007
Dear Miss Miller,
I hope that my email doesn’t bother you.
My name is Marco, I’m 43, Italian writing from Italy.
I wrote some days ago to Barbara Rogers to ask some suggestion about how to contact you, and she gave me this address.
Recently, after long time I didn’t read psychology books, into a bookshop I was attracted (who knows why) by yours “Il dramma del bambino dotato e la ricerca del vero sè”.
I read it and I was really impressed, indeed: it seems you know me and my story and my troubles -and my therapies too- very well. Of course, a lot of people in the world suffer the same illness, but I never found a so clear explanation about that kind of problem.
So I’m writing you, first to thank you because you studied so much and so well the matter. And second reason for my writing was asking suggestion about a possible therapy, but Barbara told me you don’t know any good therapist in Italy.
Since I suffer an heavy depression which started when I was a child, of course I tried a lot of times to find someone who could help me.
In the last 24 years I got at least 5 therapies, the last one with a freudian analyst along 7 years. But all my attemps were useless, and often I finished the “therapy” quite worse than I was before, aware I wasted my time, my energy and my money.
I stopped last “therapy” about four years ago, resigned to must resolve my trouble by myself, as I became like “allergic” to psychology.
But to be frank, actually things are going not very good to me.
I’m an opera singer, my job is going good enough despite my strong depression and my not easy character. I travel alot in Italy, Europe and USA, but my life is sometimes like a desert, some others like a dark prison, and I can’t stand anymore.
So, as I feel I’ve arrived to a dead point in my life and can’t go ahead in this way, I thought that may be I should try a last time therapy before to give up.
At this point, I feel so tired and bad that may be I have nothing to loose.
Too bad you don’t know nobody, I thought you had like a school or something.
I read your “how to find a good therapist”, it’s nice and useful I think; but the idea to go roaming into a blind searching for a good therapist got me in total discouragement. I already did that way, I could write a funny book about “therapists” I met in my search along 24 years…
Anyway, I don’t want to extend myself so much, imagine you’re very busy.
I thank you for your work, and because you recognized me much more than my parents or my ex “therapists”, despite we never met.
My best wishes, M.
AM: I am sorry that you can’t use my FAQ list to find a good therapist and go to psychoanalysts instead. They usually don’t support the child and are not interested in his tragic story.