to stop the chain
Thursday December 04, 2008
Dear Alice Miller, I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for your work – it helped me see clearly that I didn’t deserve the abuse my siblings and I suffered in childhood; and it informed my own parenting – so the chain of abuse was broken. I now have two sons, nearly adult, who have no conception of what it is to be ashamed or to feel frightened or worthless or feel they are suitable objects for contempt. As a result they are stable, stand their ground and are effortlessly at ease in the world. If they have children, those children will benefit from that. It is possible to stop the chain of abuse in one generation. I have had many teachers and much support: you are one of the most important. Thank you. Yours, L:K: (IK)
AM: Thank you so much for your feedback. Yes, it is possible to stop the chain of violence if you stop to deny the crimes you were victim of.