The proof
Saturday June 24, 2006
Dear Alice Miller,
I should like to express my heartfelt thanks for making your research, experience and insights available through your books. I have just read: Banished Knowledge and For Your Own Good. I agree totally with the points you are making. Expounding the truth will always bring up hell and high water. The resistance and denial of others (in my experience) is proof that one is on the ‘right path’.
I’ve done lots of inner work with myself already. You have truly helped me to heal something that had been skulking around in me for a very long time.
I wish you good health always in mind, body and spirit
Yours sincerely,
L. C.
AM: Thank you for your letter. You write: “Expounding the truth will always bring up hell and high water. The resistance and denial of others (in my experience) is proof that one is on the ‘right path’.” Unfortunately, you are right. But people who are on the path to themselves hardly want to go back; they find so many unexpected news there which they would not want to miss again.