The past and the present parents

The past and the present parents
Saturday February 07, 2009

Dear Alice,
I read the incoming correspondence you publish on your website (english)and benefit greatly both from the incoming correspondence and your responses. I wish to comment on the last one pasted herebelow for ease of reference. The writer asks: “I have one question concerning maltreatment.In my case it continues at the hands of my still alive parent.While i grapple with the past, how am i to also deal effectively with what of it persists through my parent, in the present.”
This person practically continues to succumb to abuse from her “still alive” parents, although she is aware of past abuse. As you have shared with us and agree with you, this person has been disabled in defending herself in childhood and as such she is still trapped in her abusive parents authority.
You may wish to forward this email to this reader from India or publish it if it makes sense to you.
Thank you and Bless you Alice.

AM: Thank you for your comment. I agree with what you have written and hope that it will help the reader from India.