To Alice Miller in personal ­ IMPORTANT! URGENT!!!

To Alice Miller in personal ­ IMPORTANT! URGENT!!!
Wednesday June 27, 2007

Alice Miller!


A personal letter to you Alice Miller!

I’m Swedish journalist and special editor of a theme about “The rights of the child and Democracy” of the Swedish leftwing magazine “Pockettidningen R”, a magazine in form of a book, 4 issues/year – see: .

We really want you to participate in one form or another, e g micro e-mail interview, in this issue.
I apology very much – but we need your answer already during this Wednesday 27 of June. But if it’s OK for you you can just answer one question from us. And we will list all your books in Swedish.

Our one question for Alice Miller:
“Sweden was the first country in the world to ban all form of corporal punishment 1979. So far 17 other countries has followed the example. Except from the obvious benefit for children to get rid of the violence in family – what grade of importance has this initiative have for the rights of children in general, in the world? In what way?”

(If it’s easier and more quickly for you, it’s OK to answer in German language)

I know it’s sounds a little like some kind of marketing – but it’s opposite, real genuine!

Since I was 22 years of age (I’m 47 now) and read “Am Anfang war Erziehung” in Swedish my most central issue have been to fight for have been children’s rights, also for the benefit for the whole society and democracy. And actually it was one reason I become a journalist. And after all this years you are still my philosopher No One! The greatness of your writing was not that you contribute with new facts, but you lifted emotional knowledge that we all have from subconsciousness to consciousness. And that had an revolutionary effect that still works on me!

I want to take this opportunity to bring you a story from real life about the importance your work have brought.

Around 1990 a young man hold a lecture about his earlier destructive life, how he stubbed his stepfather nearly to death and how he get in to jail for that. He continued about the way he turned his life to the right side – he asked if anyone had heard about Alice Miller. I melted! He explained that he found books of Alice Miller, how she wrote about the same experience that he have suffered from and the importance this reading of Alice Miller has that he in fact is alive today and have a good life. He educated himself to journalist. Today he is in the central board of trade union for Swedish journalists. You see him at:,38370&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Scroll down to “Rino Rotevatn” – it’s him!

After that lecture I told him, I would visit him in west Sweden and make an interview with him, about his life and what Alice Miller have meant for him. And I did! Published in the main news paper in the whole of Scandinavia “Dagens Nyheter” in Stockholm, 1991-09-04. I’ll send a scan in another e-mail.

In the now resent magazine/book “Pockettidningen R” I have interviewed the Danish psychologist Jesper Juul. He told me you have been in contact. I have also talked with Jordan Riak and have some material from PTAVE in our issue. And earlier I have several times met the journalist Ami Lönnroth who made the first big interviews with you in “Svenska Dagbladet” for the Swedish audience during 1980-ies.

I have worked 2,5 years to establish this special issue of Children’s democratic rights. I just take the chance if there is any possibility for you to answer my question and send a greeting to the readers during this wednesday.

Otherways – is there any possibilities to have an interview with you in Switzerland for Dagens Nyheter or other big new paper in Sweden? I will fly down at any time suitable for you.

In any case – I would be happy if you just read this letter. You have meant a lot for me! Really!!!

My best regards to you Alice Miller! J. F.

AM: Sweden was the fist country in the world that did the most necessary step to save our planet from violence and madness. Because hitting children produces not only violent and sick individuals, it produces the ABUSERS OF TOMORROW and a mad society that we can observe in all kinds of ethnic holocausts and in the wars of today. There are not many governments that understand this dynamic. For that reason only 17 of 192 members of the UNO had the wisdom to follow the example given by Sweden 30 years ago and to forbid as well corporal punishment for children. Punished children only learn to suppress their rage for a while, but they learn also to take revenge later, as adults, on their own children or on entire nations, as do all dictators.

I can give you an interview only by e-mail. You can send me your questions to this mailbox as you did today.