Diverses thérapies

Diverses thérapies
Friday 03 March 2006


j’ai comme pas mal de personnes lu une partie de votre oeuvre et je voudrais
connaître votre position sur certaines techniques thérapeutiques.

Que pensez-vous de:

– la thérapie primale
– les thérapies qui nous font revivrent notre naissance
– l’analyse transactionnelle
– la programmation neuro-linguistique (pnl)
– l’hypnose éricksonniène
– la psychogénéalogie
– la gestal thérapie
– le massage

Merci pour votre réponse.
E. O. B.

AM: To me, an effective therapy must be able to bring me in touch with the story of the child I was and with her suffering that we usually deny. To bring me to my origins by undoing my denial I need an enlightened witness who knows his/her history and wouldn’t thus be afraid of my own. In my FAQ list I describe how you can find such a therapist. Also, the article “The longest path” on this site and my book “The Body Never Lies” can be helpful. The therapies you mentioned are mostly not interested at all in exploring the histories of childhoods except maybe the primal therapy of Janov. But in my opinion there are some kinds of PT which can be dangerous because their settings produce a dependency on strong feelings and on the person of the therapist and his integrity. You can learn more about this danger if you read the chapter “Helga” in my book “Paths of Life”.